The Importance Of Proximity: Family Lawyers Near Me

The Importance Of Proximity: Family Lawyers Near Me – At Cannon & Associates, we are committed to aggressively defending families and freedoms. For couples with children, child custody is arguably the most complex family law issue and one of the most emotional aspects of divorce.

Determining child custody is almost always a long and difficult process, and you need an experienced family law team that is willing to fight for the best interests of the child, as well as your rights.

The Importance Of Proximity: Family Lawyers Near Me

This requires skill and empathy, as well as regular and meaningful communication. This will allow you to feel secure in the knowledge that everything possible is being done for your case.

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Call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Oklahoma City child custody attorneys. Call us now at (405) 591-3935.

The first step in a family law case involving child custody is one parent filing for divorce or child custody. This usually requires special protection, although this is often unlikely to be the end result.

One parent will then need to apply for a temporary custody order, which involves a hearing before a judge. The judge will make a temporary decision about which parent has custody of the children and will prepare a temporary visitation schedule while the divorce or custody order is finalized.

There is a legal presumption that parents should share custody of the children unless there has been domestic violence or abuse or one spouse has a history of drug or alcohol abuse. This means that in most cases the results will be shared under protection.

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Joint custody can take many different forms, and it is best to have a family law firm handle the process. Once orders are finalized, they are very difficult to change, which is why it is so important that you fight to make sure that your child care arrangement works for you and your children.

Our Oklahoma City child custody attorney can help you understand the different types of custody arrangements and how they work. They will also work with you to create a parenting plan that works for you and your children and is likely to be approved by the court.

If you and your ex-spouse cannot reach an agreement, we are ready to fight for your rights in court.

There are two basic legal aspects of child custody: physical custody and legal custody. It is important to understand the differences when seeking a custody dispute.

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Physical custody refers to where your children live. In most child support cases, parents share physical custody. The legal term for this is joint physical custody. If the children live with only one parent, this is called sole physical custody.

A common reason for parents to share custody is the assumption that children have a better chance of developing when they have access to both parents whenever possible.

Legal custody is the legal right to make decisions on behalf of a child, such as the child’s schooling, religious reasons, medical care, and more.

As with physical custody, legal custody can also be awarded to one parent, called sole legal custody, or both, called joint legal custody. Judges also favor joint legal custody unless there is a good reason why one parent should not be allowed to make decisions.

Child Custody Lawyer

Proper care sounds very simple, but in reality it can be difficult to direct. Because of life’s responsibilities, finding a solution that works for everyone can be difficult.

It is common for parents to agree on joint parenting, but they find that it is more appropriate for one parent to take on most of the responsibility. It’s rare for parents who get along well enough and live close enough to have two homes that work perfectly and share time equally.

Sometimes the best option is sole custody and a guardian’s visitation schedule. The custodial parent will be responsible for most of the child’s custody, and the non-custodial parent will have visitation rights. Child visitation laws in Oklahoma, OK mean that the minimum amount of visitation is one weekday evening, and one visitation every other weekend.

However, you should pay more attention to legal protection. If it is important to you to have physical custody of the children, make that clear from the beginning. If your ex-spouse has been granted sole legal custody, they may leave or make other decisions without your input.

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It is a good idea to seek legal advice from an experienced Oklahoma City family law and child custody attorney from the beginning if you are seeking sole custody of a child or are fighting an ex-spouse seeking sole custody.

The court is obliged to grant the right to take care of the child according to what is in the best interest of the child. This usually means creating as little disruption as possible in the child’s life. That decision can involve many factors, such as:

Although child custody decisions are legally binding, Oklahoma courts allow them to be modified in certain circumstances. They understand that life is hard and sometimes an arrangement that once made sense and worked, no longer makes sense for your family.

It is not easy to change the order. You and your ex-spouse will have to come to an agreement or there will have to be a major change in circumstances.

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The first step will be to file a ‘Petition to Change the Custody Order’ after which the court will schedule a hearing date. At the hearing, the parent requesting the change will be required to prove that there is a permanent, significant change in circumstances and that the change is in the best interest of the child.

An experienced child custody attorney in Oklahoma City can help you file a petition and prove why you need to change your court orders. If you’re not sure if you have reason to change, contact us today for a free initial consultation, so we can advise you on your specific case.

Child support is another sensitive issue for many divorcing couples. If one parent is awarded custody, then the other will have to pay child support.

A family law firm that specializes in family law services, such as Cannon & Associates, can help ensure an effective and fair child support agreement.

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Family courts in Oklahoma City have come a long way on fathers’ rights in the past few decades, which is good news for men fighting for custody and more visitation rights.

Gender is not the basis of being a good parent, and men should and should have the same rights as women over their young children. Unless there is a reason why a parent should not be in a child’s life, children do best when they have a close relationship with their mother and father, who should have equal access to them.

Although men and women should be treated equally in family law matters under Oklahoma law, there are many people who still have old-fashioned views. Mothers have been seen as the main caregivers for centuries, and men often have to fight harder to get equal rights. Therefore, it is important to have the legal representation of a family law attorney who strongly advocates for men’s rights.

At Cannon & Associates, our Oklahoma City family law attorneys strongly believe in the positive role that good fathers play in the lives of their children and will fight hard on your behalf to protect your rights and interests.

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Call us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Oklahoma City father’s rights attorney. Call us now at 405-591-3935.

As a father, there is nothing more terrifying than the prospect of not being able to spend time with my children. Many men assume that Oklahoma family law judges tend to favor mothers and wives in Oklahoma divorces; however, the Oklahoma legislature has taken steps to stop this unfair practice. Oklahoma law requires family law judges to take a gender-neutral approach to divorce; Custody of children; Child maintenance; Alimony; and property division.

As I’m sure you know, the simple fact that the law is gender neutral doesn’t mean it’s always applied that way. Family law judges have their own feelings, experiences and beliefs about child custody in Oklahoma. The following are important terms to become familiar with early on when dealing with divorce and child custody in Oklahoma.

If you have not yet been established as the father of your children, then the first step in the legal process will be to establish paternity. If you were married to the mother of the child when your child was born, then the father will be automatically, and you can skip this step. If your child was born while the mother was not married, then you will need to establish paternity.

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The easiest way to do this is for the mother and father to voluntarily fill out and sign a form acknowledging paternity. This is usually completed at the hospital where the child was born, but can also be completed and sent to the Civil Registrar’s Office at any time before the child turns 18.

Unfortunately, establishing paternity does not grant fathers automatic custody and visitation rights, but support

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